Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Solve Problems Creatively - Part 2

“The imagination is man's power over nature.” — Wallace Stevens

No matter what our circumstances might be at any particular point in time of our lives, we have to try to say — okay time out! Then make the time to think things over. It doesn't have to be rigid, but take some time to relax, and do something different. Go for a walk without any electronic devices, especially cellphone — unplug for few minutes and let your mind be free to wonder around or roam the world. You may even choose to roam the whole universe in your mind and nobody can stop you!

By allowing your mind to ROAM-DREAM-PLAY, you begin to forget about your problems temporarily. In this less stressful state, you are free to allow your mind to start germinating new seeds of ideas. Simply learn to grow your creative spirit by nurturing your inner seed of creativity. To be creative, you have to let your inner creative spirit flow freely!

Playful experimentation, and willingness to learn from mistakes, and persistence are some of the keys to unlock creativity. This means you should try to relax, have fun, do some physical exercises, or play a game by playing around with some new ideas. Write down all your thoughts even if at first they seem to be nonsensical. It is reasonably acceptable if you make some mistakes, learn from the mistakes and keep on trying again and again until you make some progress towards some useful  solutions. Sometimes, if you feel you are not getting anywhere with new ideas, you just have to relax, let it go, sleep on it, and start afresh the following day.

Therefore, “Creativity = time + resources.” Like all important endeavours in life, to be creative in anything including solving your problems creatively, you need some form of dedication, motivation, taking time off your busy schedule, making yourself available to think things over, and start experimenting with some new ideas. It does requires some daily effort through perseverance until the goal is achieved.

Ruth Richards, a psychology professor at Saybrook University and Harvard Medical School, has discovered many reasons to start thinking creatively. Just writing everyday to express your thoughts has been shown to improve immune system functioning, reduce stress, and make you feel better to some degree. Engaging in creative behaviours makes us more dynamic, conscious, non-defensive, observant, collaborate, and more courageous. Creativity makes you more resilient, more vividly in the moment, and, at the same time, more connected to the world around you. How about that…try it now!

“Creativity provides opportunities for self actualization.” - Ruth Richards
"You have no idea how far you can fly, until you spread your wings" - A Wiseman

If you have any question, need any help in achieving your goal(s), or working strategically to grow your business, then do not hesitate to follow/connect with me @,, or!/Ell_Wilson

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